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The Caribbean is renowned for its unique natural landscapes. The white beaches, blue sea and sky, coral reefs, and other marine landscapes in the Caribbean Sea have attracted many tourists. With the development of industry and tourism and duo to the climate change and other reasons, the Caribbean is facing various environmental issues. The governments in the area and some international organizations have been taking a series of measures to protect the environment.
Sir Molwyn Joseph is the current Minister of Health, Wellness & The Environment of Antigua and Barbuda. He was born in the picturesque village of Jennings and received tertiary education in USA. He worked for the Standard Oil Company in Ohio, later becoming a senior executive and went on to be Regional Manager of Marine Operation in L.A., California. As someone who has always been concerned about people and an activist for positive social changes, he entered politics as Junior Minister in the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Energy under the leadership of Lester Bird in 1984. Seven years later, he became Minister of Finance and Trade renegotiating the Antiguan national debt and introducing fiscal reforms, including expenditure control and revenue improvement. Notably, he is credited with piloting the education levy and the non-contributors pension scheme legislation. He later served as Minister for Planning, Implementation and Environment, Minister of Health and Social Improvement, and Minister of Tourism. Joseph worked to attract new visitors and investments to Antigua, increasing the number of hotel rooms, bringing new air carriers to the island and succeeding in expanding the cruise ship facilities through additional building of the Nevis Street Pier. As a local change advocate and an international Antiguan ambassador, he also led a delegation to the Heads of Government meeting in Grenada in 1985, spoke on behalf of the Organisation of the Eastern Caribbean States in Bangkok, Thailand and in 1995 addressed the United Nation General Assembly on the issue of climate change on behalf of Antigua and Barbuda.