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It is generally known that most languages spoken in the Caribbean are either European languages (namely English, Spanish, French, and Dutch) or European language-based creoles. What is less known is Caribbean languages/dialects have its sources in Africa as well. In this lecture, H. E. Johann L. Hesse will give a history of the Caribbean, focusing on the different languages and dialects in the Caribbean, and their origins and ties to Africa.
H. E. Johann L. Hesse is an ambassador, entrepreneur and architect. As the ambassador to the African Union for Antigua and Barbuda, he has played a pivotal role in strengthening diplomatic ties and facilitating international collaborations. His focus on attracting foreign direct investment to Antigua and Barbuda has resulted in mutually beneficial partnerships with African nations. As the CEO at Yida International Investment, he has been instrumental in fostering economic growth and development in Antigua by attracting foreign investment and overseeing a wide range of projects that have contributed to the country’s infrastructure and tourism sectors. As the lead architect for the Antigua and Barbuda Airport Authority, Johann was responsible to leading a team of architects to design a new modern airport terminal for Antigua and Barbuda. His expertise in diplomatic relations and economic diplomacy has been pivotal in showcasing Antigua and Barbuda as an attractive destination for foreign investors. Johann’s commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility is reflected in his work, as he prioritizes environmentally friendly and socially responsible business practices in his various ventures.